In July 2011, Ed Barrios (FOBWR President) and Neal McLain (FOBWR At-large Board Member) attended the USFWS Conserving the Future Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. Attendance was limited to USFWS employees, volunteers from Friends groups (such as FOBWR), and others at the discretion of USFWS. Over 1000 persons attended the three-day conference, held at the Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison, July 12-14, 2011.Pre-conference bus tours were scheduled on Monday, July 11, to three outlying sites:
- Aldo Leopold Foundation, Sauk County, Wisconsin
- Horicon National Wildlife Refuge, Dodge County, Wisconsin
- Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, Juneau County, Wisconsin
Ed and Neal attended the Monday tour to the Aldo Leopold Foundation. Aldo Leopold was a Professor of Game Management in the Agricultural Economics at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was a prolific writer with numerous articles and essays to his name. He is perhaps best remembered as the author of A Sand County Almanac, a series of essays based on his observations at his farm in Sauk County. This tour included visits to the Aldo Leopold Center, "the shack" (the Leopold family's weekend home at the farm), and the Wisconsin River near the shack.
Following are links to several reports related to the Conference:
- Conference Report.
- Photos. Photos of conference activities and locales, more or less in chronological order.
- Photo Album. A smaller selection of photos, in PDF format.
- A Visit to Sand County. Newsletter article about the Aldo Leopold Foundation, originally prepared the August 2011 issue of Chapter News, the newsletter of the Texas Master Naturalist Cradle of Texas Chapter.
- Report to the FOBWR Board. Summary report by Neal McLain, addressed to the FOBWR Board.
- Using Technology to Go Outside. PowerPoint presentation by Cindy Samples (Upper Mississippi River NWFR) and Toni Westland (J.N. "Ding" Darling NWR), presented at the July 14 workshop of the same name.