FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about the COT E-mail List:
- Q: What is the COT E-mail List? A: The E-mail List is a "mass mail" e-mail relaying program for TMN-COT Chapter Members. Using the list, any COT member can send an e-mail message to all other members of the list.
- Q: How do I send a message to the list? A: Send it just like any other e-mail message: address it to TMN-COT@googlegroups.com. You may add attachments (documents or photographs).
- Q: How do I reply to a message I receive from the list if I want to have the reply sent to the entire list? A: Click "REPLY ALL"; then verify that the "TO" address line of your reply includes the list address TMN-COT@googlegroups.com. The "TO" line may contain other addresses as well; you may delete them if you wish.
- Q: How do I reply to a message I receive list the list if I want to have the reply sent only to the original sender? A: Click "REPLY"; then verify that the desired address appears in the "TO" address line of your reply message.
- Q: Sometimes I receive two copies of the same message. It's not a problem but I'm wondering why this happens. A: Probably because the sender sent you two copies. This sometimes happens when a member sends a message TO you, and the member also sends the message to a distribution list that includes your address.
- Q: I can receive messages from the list but I can't send a message to the list. When I try to send a message, I receive a message that says I'm not authorized. Why? A: Probably because you have two e-mail addresses, and you're trying to use the wrong one. If you wish to send a message to the list, you must use the same e-mail address that the list uses. If you don't know which address the list uses, open a message that you have received from the list and note the address in the "TO" address line.
If you have a Brazosport College address, note that you actually have two e-mail addresses:
If you get a "not-authorized" message when sending from one of these addresses, try the other one.
- Q: I sometimes receive e-mail messages from the list that appear to have been intended for some other member, but not for me. Why does this happen? A: Because the sender was trying to reply to a message received from the list, and inadvertently clicked "REPLY ALL" instead of "REPLY".
- Q: How do I view the archive of past messages? A: Go to http://groups.google.com/group/TMN-COT?hl=en.
- Q: How do I find the e-mail address of other TMN-COT members? A: E-mail addresses for officers and committee chairs are posted here. For other COT members, refer to the printed address sheets that have been distributed to all members. If you don't have a copy of this sheet, you can request one from the Chapter Membership Director.
- Q: I'm a member of the COT Chapter, but I've never received any messages from the list. Why? A: Probably because your e-mail address is not registered with the list. Please notify the Chapter Membership Director Dave Brandes, and he will add your email address to the list.
- Q: I don't wish to receive messages from the list. Can I remove my e-mail address? A: Send a blank e-mail message to TMN-COT-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. Leave the subject line and the body of the message blank. Alternatively, you may notify the Chapter Membership Director, and he will remove your address.
- Q: I don't have an e-mail address, but I have internet access at the Library. Can I still read list messages? A: Yes; simply go to http://groups.google.com/group/TMN-COT?hl=en.
- Q: Why is it sometimes called an "E-mail List," and sometimes called a "Google Group"? A: Google hosts the list, and they call it a "group." However, "E-mail List" and "listserv" are generic terms for the same thing. Google provides the service to us at no charge; in exchange for providing this free service, Google places "sponsored links" (an unobtrusive form of advertising) on the archived-messages page.